
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Free Book Winner

The winner of the free book 'Fast Track Photographer' is B. Vagner-Andersen.

The book will be mailed out tomorrow and I hope you will enjoy it.

Thanks to all those who entered and good luck next time.

It should be noted that this blog also shows up on my own Facebook page and the 'My Camera World Facebook page and people do also leave comments on these pages. The first is only for those that I speak to on a regular basis and the 'My Camera World' Facebook is for others to join. 

I guess my blog should have at least one photograph and I am including this image of a winter scene  where some firends and I hike in with snow shoes and then enjoy a warm fire.

Note on Future Articles

I am working on a series of articles where I will identify compositional elements such as diagonal lines, S-curve Triangles, and many more with the intent to show how to use these to maximize the viewer interest in your images.

Each article will deal with one unique element and will highlight the human perceptions around each of these. I am hoping that I have enough of my own images for each element, but I may have to find other photographers images and seek their permission to use when it clearly demonstrates the point.

Niels Henriksen


London Wedding Photographer D Sherjan said...

Lovely capture here Niels, looks like a chilly one!


Unknown said...

Only on the outside. Inside the fire is raging.


Anita Jesse said...

I am looking forward to the coming series of articles. I always enjoy your images and your writing.

Unknown said...

Thanks Anita: Good to see out an and about lately.

Some will be tough as I don't have images for all elements.


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