

How do I subscribe to this Blog?
There are 2 methods that permit you to subscribe to this blog. Both of these methods will notify you when new articles are published on the home page of the blog. It will not notify you about any new material that is updated on the other blog pages and therefore I recommend you check the site for new photos or painting that are available for sale on this site.

RSS Feed
By clicking on the RSS link here or on Home page you will ad this blog to one of the many blog readers that are available free on the web.
Via Email
For those who do not have a blog reader there is a method to receive the full article via email by clicking here or on the Subscribe via email on the blog home page.
Can I use your material or images on my site?
You may use limited amounts of text from the article for references purposes to support material in your article.  You are not permitted via any method to display majority or entire text of any article.
As with the text statement above you may use 1 or 2 images on your site if in your article you are using these images to demonstrate a point you are making.

Can I steal your copyrighted material?
All material on the blog is copyrighted and no permission is granted for any other purpose than expressly provided here or via a written and signed legal agreement between the 2 parties.
Theft of this material will be pursued vigorously with all available means and depending on the usage damages may be sought.
If you are using my copyrighted material on your site I will not hesitate to use the Digital Millennium Copyright act to have your material or site terminated were permitted under law.

Can I license your material or images?

Yes this is possible but it will require a written license agreement signed by both parties. Please contact me via email and state the image(s) you wish to use and intended use of these images. Also provide the legal name and address of your company.

Can I provide a link to my site in the comment section?
Yes, but if the comment is only written to generate a link back to your site and has no real relevance then the comment will be deleted.  The big difference is that if link is to a real blog that is not commercial then most likely comment will stay but if commercial site and no relevance, out it goes.
Wow great article.
I love your site.
I discovered my passion for photography (link embedded to his wedding site) when I attended a wedding ceremony and started snapping. Since then, i have been capturing many people and the beautiful garden. (note: not related in any way to article).

Can I be rude in my Comments?
No. This site is like my home and any rudeness towards myself or other commenter will not be accepted and will be deleted.
You can have strong options that differ from others and this is healthy for all of us to better understand, but there is no need to be rude.


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